Heart to Heart Soul to Soul
The Sacred Divine Feminine
The Sacred Divine Feminine
The divine feminine is most alive in us when we are being true to who we are. The feminine can be pretty and delicate, but she can also be untamed, dark and fierce.
‘When we truly let the power of the feminine into our lives, we discover our own beauty. It doesn’t matter what clothes we are wearing, it’s how we are wearing our Soul.
It doesn’t matter how old we are, as we embrace the beauty and wisdom of every year we are privileged to be here for. We follow our inner voice over the voice of others.
We don’t stay within the confines of what we are taught it is to be feminine, we take those masks off and truly live. We belly laugh. We follow our dreams with wild abandon. We fiercely protect those we love. We nurture, and we graciously receive. We have an aliveness pulsing through our bodies. The sacred feminine is within you; she is within each and every one of us’.
~Natalie Southgate~
The Divine Feminine Flow Dance
The Divine Feminine Flow Dance is a sensual sacred Inner Journey Dance, to find your own true nature, your essence, your feminine wisdom, activating your codes, release trauma’s and blockages or thoughts that no longer serve you. You shall blossom in your Magickal Divine Light. You nurture your sacred sensual loving Body, Mind and Soul. With the Mother Drum Journey Activation you shall anchor your womb to earth’s womb-heart and receive the codes of creation from Mother Earth herself. I give you an inward journey in a mysterious realm where you are going
through a series of deep initiations - from darkness to the light. You are going to experience a quantum shift in your ability to get into the flow, bring your ideas to life, be your own Creatrix.
I whisper through flowers, scents and symbols in a Sacred Space. A language that is familiar to me. Before this a spiritual message came to me. One day while I was making a shamanic journey I saw a beautiful spiritual woman with long black hair, a crown of flowers, she wore a white long temple dress. She came to me and she named herself as Mother Earth GAIA. She was surrounded with flowers, animals, butterfly’s, hummingbirds and a Golden Light. Suddenly she embraced me and says: “Daughter, finally you’re home and you may bring beauty and light into this world so that all may flourish and grow in love.”
The Beauty Way of the divine feminine flow is not only how we were going to restore the balance on planet earth, but how we were going to seed a new era of abundance based on reciprocity, synarchy and regenerative co-creation for the benefit of all. When you surrender to the intelligence of your soul, you surrender to the intelligence of the universe. That is the same force that keeps planets in their orbits, makes the sea change from ebb to flow, and makes the trees and flowers grow and bloom. And it all starts with you, your highest expressive soul purpose.
The Divine Feminine Flow Dance is a holistic dance we’re we embrace the feminine power and ancient wisdom in our Selfhealing bodies. Healing, celebrating & honoring our feminine divine bodies, emotions, mind & soul. Connecting with our womb & heart and mother Gaia. Diving deep in the wisdom of our ancient feminine Knowledge. Rising our frequency, being magnetic and attracting our Soulsdestiny.
We shall dance & chant in a beautiful Sacred Space with a flower mandala, scents and altar. Our heart connecting to eachother, Gaia and the Universe through rituals & ceremonies. Grounding, Breathing, Sounding and Chanting. We will be free spirits, belly laughing, loving and enjoying every moments of our lives.
I’m so excited to bring you this powerful Divine Feminine Flow Dance, share stories, tips & tools to help you bring more ease to your most
authentic vibrant Self. Your magic and brilliance are so needed at this time. To make this world a more beautiful & better place, Gaia needs us. Rise and Awaken The Goddess in you.
Much love and blessings