Heart to Heart Soul to Soul 

About me

Let Yourself become a living Poetry


A few years ago I was close to a burnout and I discovered that I had ended up completely outside my body. I wondered what caused it and how I could reconnect with my soul. My heart told me "go pick up your passions again and go back to nature". I already loved the beach and sea, after all I come from Den Helder, so I went out. I went out on yoga, dancing and more. I don't know how it happened, but I was totally not myself.

Holistic dancing was a revelation for me, completely absorbed in the music, connecting with my body, being energetically fully charged, connecting with the earth and universe. And the pleasure of doing that together with like-minded people. It took me completely out of my comfort zone.

By taking yoga classes I became more balanced, it opened my soul. It also gave me peace, life-force and wisdom at the same time. My journey had many side roads but slowly it became a beautiful way to my inner Divine Source


Dancing and yoga have become my passions. It was precisely because of this combination that I was able to overcome my accident and breast cancer. Crazy as it may sound, this happened to me at the same time. My flexibility, my strength and my awareness have ensured that I came through it strong, both physically and psychologically.

In the meantime I have followed various courses to delve more into Yoga, Dance, Consciousness and Being a Woman. But also Shamanism, because that was the cause of my blockage. I had deliberately blocked this gift in my youth because it was too intense and a burden to me. But in the end you are who you are and I have learned that hard lesson now. I now consciously live from the inside out. That's called happiness, to be who you are from the inside out.

 I see, I feel and I know. ♥️

My mission has become that I want to lovingly give my passions and knowledge to the world. Yoga & Dancing are transformative powers and healing Art forms, enjoy and have fun together, and discover together what the world has to offer on our individual journey.

Find your Balance and Peace, Joy in Life, be Graceful and be Beautiful, and the most important of all Shine like a Star. Be the Star.✨

  ~If you are quiet enough, you will hear the Flow of the Universe. You will feel its rhythm. Go with this Flow.~

🌺 Buddha 🌸


Become YourSelf in Life

Dance Through Life

Dance Through Life

Live, Love and Laugh in Life


Find Your Happiness in Life


Be Grateful and Graceful in Life

Let your Light Shine into the World

Be Divine in Life

Get to know me?

I am born with the sign of Gemini and the elemental forces of air. The sacred air we Breath, I create, inspire and see the whole with the vision of an eagle. I am fully connected with my Breath, Body, Mind and Spirit. Through my Breath I hear the whispers of my Heart and I see the bigger picture. 

Hatha, Kundalini Yoga, Tantra, Shamanism, Spiritual Psychology and The Divine Feminine Flow, Kundalini Dance are my passions. 
Living from my loving heart make me sensitive, sexual and sensual, completely faithful to my true essence. I embrace life it Self, my yoga, my dance, I am a Healer to myself and others.  I follow my natural instinct and inspire others to do so, to embrace and fall in love with the whole spectrum of being human: from Kundalini Energy to Pure Spirituality, return to pure wholeness, greatness and inherent wisdom of ourselves. And become a free Spirit in a human Body. 

Mijn inspiratiebronnen:

S.T.I.V.A.S. opleiding ~ Adry Hermans 1997
Massage met Etherische Oliën ~ Adry Hermans 1998
Ayurveda  ~ CIVAS 2015
Een Cursus in Wonderen “ Course in Miracles” ~ Helen Schucman and William Thetford 2016
Yoga Teacher Training ~  Johan Noorloos 2017
Yoga Nidra en Kundalini Yoga ~ Goedele Leyssen 2018
Shakti Dance Academy ~ Sara Avtar 2018
Kundalini Dance ~ Leyolah Antara 2018
Etherische Oliën en Chakra's ~ Young Living 2018
Pure Emotion, The Language of the Soul ~ Netanel Goldberg 2018
Licht op de Aura ~ Barbara Ann Brennan 2018
Yoga & Mindfulness ~ Bodyline 2019
Shakti School of Dance ~ Colleena Shakti 2019
Sufi Dance ~ Rana Gorgani 2019
Embodiment of a Goddess ~ Jannine Murray 2019
Surya Soul Dance of Peace ~ Philip Beaufour & Sabine Zweig 2019 
Kundalini Master opleiding Yogi Bhajan ~ Sa Spirit Meditation Healing Group 2019
Surya Soul Soma Class ~ Ariane Herz 2020
Yoga Nidra "reis door de chakra's"~ Happy with Yoga 2020
Heart of Fire ~ Shiva Rea 2020
Spiritual Psychology ~ Lazuli Training 2020 
Shamanic Journeys ~ AnamCara 2020
Yoga Life Style Program ~ Kundalini Yoga School 2021
The Tantric Rose Mystery School ~  Priestess training ~ Leyolah Antara 2021-2022 
Kundalini Dance Chakra Alchemy Series Training ~ Leyolah Antara  2021 
Shamanism Healing Training ~ Ahamkara Siberian Altai Shaman 2021
Reiki ~ Solyluna 2021

Shamanic Drum Therapist ~ 2022 
50 H Yin Yoga & RYT 200 Yoga ~ Yoga Alliance 2022 
Reiki Infinite Healer ~ Dave Nelson 2022 
Kundalini Reiki Master ~ Succesvol in Balans 2023
Nia Dance Debbie Rosas New White Belt - 2023
Silk Fans Fusion ~ Rae Chrysalis 2023 ~ 2024 right now 
Art Therapy ~ Holisleven 2024 right now


My Spiritual Name

Varan Dayal Kaur

I’ve have been blessed to live as Varan Dayal Kaur, the sacred Princess/Lioness of God , who is the highest embodiment of profound Mercy and Kindness in the World.

Varan is supreme, ultimate of highest. 
Dayal one who is filled with kindness and compassion.
Kaur all females recieve the name Kaur - the Princess/Lioness of God who walks with grace and strenght throughout her Life. Yogi Bhajan taught that every woman can attain this Divine state and encouraged all to manifest it.

She has the qualities of a spiritual leader. 

~Nirinjan Kaur~

Director of Spiritual Names

Compassionate Heart

My Passion is to share my love for Yoga and Dance, all my Experiences, Knowledge and Wisdom. Explore and get inspired to awaken in your Power and Soulsdestiny. Feeling the flow of Joy, Lovefulness and Gratitude for Life itself. 
