Yin Yoga is a silent yoga form, you come into an attitude and the asanas are held for three to five minutes, which can be sitting or lying down. The connective tissue is slowly stretched, hydrated and joints become more flexible. Connective tissue has a different structure than muscles and it is important to treat it differently. Muscles can move quickly, violently and briefly, because they are so mobile (Yang) and they also contain more blood. Connective tissue, on the other hand, is less mobile (Yin) and contains less blood, the structure can be regarded as a kind of matrix, a framework. By stretching the muscles in a gentle way, tensions and stress that are stuck in the muscles are released. In this way you automatically create space in the connective tissue and joints.
The connective tissue system is everywhere in our body, it supports, connects, protects our organs and gives the body structure. Yin Yoga is not only a physical yoga, but also gives you space to turn inward, to see what lives in your head and heart. You have ample opportunity to observe your thoughts and feelings.
Yin yoga can help you trust your own feelings and listen to your body. You can then learn to make a good distinction between pain and real pain, emotional pain, pain due to stress or tension, pain due to illness.